The initial dream of Texas Blossoms was to plant cherry blossoms across Fort Worth, however the team quickly discovered that cherry blossoms were ill-suited to the scorching summer climate in North Texas. Rather than giving up on the dream of blanketing Fort Worth in beautiful trees, Texas Blossoms pivoted and planted other species of blossoming trees better suited to the area.
Once planted, all our trees require regular watering in order to remain healthy. Depending on the time of year and temperature outside, we water our trees between once every five days to once every two weeks. Texas Blossoms incurs a cost of roughly $750 to water 1,600 trees, or about 50 cents per tree each watering run. Your generous financial support allows us to continue to beautify underserved communities across Texas.
If you want to be part of the Texas Blossoms mission, please consider donating or contacting us about volunteering.

Texas Redbud
(Cercis canadensis var. texensis)
The Texas Redbud's bright pink flowers are unmistakable. This relatively short tree only grows about 15 feet tall but it is popular in the region because it is resistant to drought and can thrive in thin soil. The Texas Redbud is prevalent throughout the South, whereas its close cousin, the Eastern Redbud, is more common throughout the eastern United States.

Mexican Plum
(Prunus mexicana)
The Mexican Plum is known for its distinct white flowers which bloom in the springtime and give off a pleasant fragrance. Once autumn arrives, this tree's plums become ripe and can be eaten raw, made into preserves, or fermented into wine. This native tree reaches heights between 10–35 feet tall.

Texas Mountain Laurel
(Dermatophyllum secundiflorum)
The Texas Mountain Laurel is native to the region and is known for its vibrant purple blossoms which give off an aroma similar to grape soda. This relatively short tree only reaches about 15 feet tall when fully mature. Despite being extremely poisonous, the beautiful seeds of the Texas Mountain Laurel were prized by indigenous people for ornamental and ceremonial use.

Golden Raintree
(Koelreuteria paniculata)
The Golden Raintree is native to China and Korea but has grown in the United States since the mid-1700s. The bright yellow flowers of the Golden Raintree blossom from late spring to mid-summer before leaving behind papery seed pods in late summer which resemble Chinese lanterns. The Golden Raintree reaches heights of around 25–40 feet tall and is well-adjusted to hot temperatures and urban environments.

(Vitex agnus–castus)
The Vitex, also known as "Texas Lilac" or "Chaste Tree," is a short yet beautiful tree known for its lavender-colored blooms. Vitex is originally from China and India but it has been cultivated in the United States since the 1600s. This tree thrives in sunlight and is a popular destination for local butterflies. The small berries have a peppery flavor and were once believed to help monks remain chaste, thereby giving it the "Chaste Tree" nickname.

Eve's Necklace
(Sophora affinis)
Eve's Necklace, also known as Texas Sophora, grows up to 30 feet tall and is characterized by its beautiful pink flowers which blossom in springtime. After blossoming, the tree produces long black strings of poisonous seeds which resemble necklaces, hence its name. A close relative of Texas Mountain Laurel, this decorative tree thrives in the hot Texas climate.

Desert Willow
(Chilopsis linearis)
The Desert Willow, as the name implies, thrives in heat and areas with little precipitation. With a range spreading throughout the Southwest and northern Mexico, this 15–25 foot tall tree blesses the region with its pink and white blossoms in early autumn. Despite being colloquially referred to as a "willow," this tree is not in fact related to true willows but is rather in the trumpet creeper family (Bignoniaceae).

Catawba Crape Myrtle
(Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba')
The Catawba Crape Myrtle is a short yet slender tree characterized by its deep purple flowers. The Catawba Crape Myrtle blooms in late summer, a unique characteristic which sets it apart from most flowering trees which bloom in the spring. This Asian tree has been domesticated for centuries, and Crape Myrtles are now ubiquitous across the South.

Mexican Buckeye
(Ungnadia speciosa)
Despite the name, the Mexican Buckeye is a Texas native and naturally thrives throughout much of the state. To further complicate matters, it is a member of the Soapberry family and is unrelated to other "true" buckeye trees. You will forget all about this tree's misnomers and poisonous seeds once you see its radiant pink blooms in early spring.

Rusty Blackhaw
(Viburnum rufidulum)
Rusty Blackhaw can be found across much of the central/eastern United States. This short plant only reaches between 10–20 feet, but what it lacks in stature it makes up for in beauty. This tree blooms bright white flowers in mid-spring interspersed with rusty brown "hairs" which is where is gets its name.